We are witnessing the dawning of the day when afterlife communication will be commonplace.

Dedicated teams of researchers, scientists, technicians, engineers, inventors, philosophers, and others who have crossed from this plane to the next are now endeavoring tirelessly to develop means by which our two realms will be able to communicate easily and freely. Advancements in communications technology and our understanding of altered states of mind today have made possible new, effective methods of afterlife communication not available to humankind before today. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute is dedicated to supporting the research, development, education, and practice on the earth plane that will enable the teams working in the other realms to guide us into discovering and using the methods of communication they are developing.

The Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., was founded with six goals

To support general afterlife research and education that will help humankind understand eternal life and our true nature as spiritual beings having a physical experience.
To encourage the development and enhancement of methods of afterlife communication so every person is able to communicate with loved ones in the afterlife
To teach people how to use the methods of afterlife communication to connect with loved ones living on the other side of life.
To support work in preparing for and making planned, loving, comfortable transitions from the earth plane to the next plane of life.
To teach people about the other realm called the afterlife, guides, helpers, entities, the nature of reality, and the consciousness that is our eternal selves.
To support efforts to help humankind understand and embrace the spirituality that is evolving from our understanding of the afterlife so we live in love, peace, and joy with all the world’s people.

Who This Institute Is For

For both professionals in afterlife communications and the general public

The Institute provides conferences, workshops, and educational materials to help anyone in the general public learn about the afterlife and afterlife communication. It also provides resources, networking, and funding for afterlife communication researchers, developers, and educators.

Our goal is to have everyone be able to communicate with loved ones on the next plane of life to establish and enjoy new, comforting relationships that will last for the rest of their time living on two different planes.

For researchers, developers, and educators in afterlife studies and afterlife communication

  • The Institute will locate and make available needed resources for your work, especially funding for research, development, and education projects.
  • The Institute will provide networking opportunities, meetings, and conferences so you can benefit from one another’s knowledge and findings.
  • It will disseminate your advancements in afterlife communication methods through newsletters, journals, and books.

For anyone who wants to learn about the afterlife and afterlife communication

  • The Institute will locate and make available needed resources for your work, especially funding for research, development, and education projects.
  • The Institute will provide networking opportunities, meetings, and conferences so you can benefit from one another’s knowledge and findings.
  • It will disseminate your advancements in afterlife communication methods through newsletters, journals, and books.