Psychotherapists know their clients have spiritual experiences that can be healing. Today, clients can even be led into afterlife connections with loved ones to reduce their grief, learn about situations in the clients’ childhoods that have created difficulties for them as adults, receive or give forgiveness, and heal schisms that existed at the time of the loved one’s passing. AREI has formed an Afterlife Connections in Psychotherapy section so psychotherapists can learn how to encourage clients to describe spiritual experiences, help them to have afterlife connections to reduce grief, and use their own intuitive abilities to work with clients more productively.

We encourage psychotherapists to join the section to help others learn what they have found to be effective in working with clients, share experiences, and explore new ways of helping clients initiate and maintain ongoing relationships with loved ones who have passed away.

Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy

One of the most successful methods psychotherapists are using to help clients have healing afterlife communications is through Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy, developed by Rochelle Wright, M.S., a Washington-state licensed psychotherapist. More about Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy