Afterlife Communication in Psychotherapy

AREI is going to sponsor a special interest group in afterlife communication in psychotherapy. Psychotherapists are using psychotherapeutic methods to help clients enter states in which they have afterlife communication. The loved ones in the afterlife participate to alleviate the clients’ grief and participate in healing psychological issues, especially those involving the loved one in the afterlife. The new special interest area will give psychotherapists an opportunity to share their methods and experiences and learn new methods.

Psychotherapists also report intuitive impressions about clients that help guide their therapy. AREI will help members explore ways of helping psychotherapists develop their intuitive abilities and learn to listen to the subtle impressions that come to them.
Other psychotherapists specialize in working to remove spirit attachments that are responsible for many of the client’s issues. AREI will give these psychotherapists a place where they can discuss their methods with others who work with spirit attachments.

Rochelle Wright, M.S., LMHC

~ Rochelle’s Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy method, based on her earlier Guided Afterlife Connections procedure, uses bilateral stimulation to bring the client into a state of mind in which afterlife connections occur. The Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy method is 98% successful in helping clients have afterlife communications that are successful.

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.

~ Ellie uses psychotherapy to remove spirit attachments and negative entities, resulting in healing for the client and the entity. She teaches clients how to identify unwanted presences and get rid of them.

Be Involved in This Group

If you are a psychotherapist who wants to be informed about what this group in AREI is doing, send an e-mail to Explain your special interests in afterlife communication or grief therapy in psychotherapy. We will keep you informed about developments you can learn about or be involved in.