Douglas Conacher

Eira Conacher and Leslie Flint

Spirit Portrait by Spirit Artist Frank Leah

Douglas and Eira Conacher – Leslie Flint

Recordings source: The Leslie Flint Foundation

Read about the validity of the Leslie Flint seance recordings at this link: Validity

Douglas and Eira Conacher were a devoted married couple with a publishing business in Central London. They were conventional in every way but one: they were determined that whoever died first would try to contact the other from the afterlife.

Douglas, 20 years older than Eira, died first on June 6, 1958. A few months later, Douglas contacted Eira through the medium Leslie Flint. They carried on regular conversations over the next several years and authored two books together with both their names on the cover. It’s quite obvious from the intimate conversations that Eira Conacher, living on the Earth plane, was having normal conversations with her husband Douglas, on the afterlife plane.

A brief audio clip from one of their conversations follows. Eira is sitting in the room with Leslie Flint. Her husband, Douglas, in spirit, speaks to her. The clip demonstrates that Douglas is alive and knows what is going on in Eira’s life. He responds to her question about whether he caused a light in her home the previous evening by saying he did.

A transcript of the conversation is below the video controls.


Eira:        Was that your light I saw last night?

Douglas: Yes. You know, I’m wondering if you do see as much as I hope you do. I try to attract your attention in various ways and I felt sure… in fact, the other evening, I felt sure you realized I was there. You do sense my presence even though you don’t see me.

Eira:        Yes.

Douglas: You know, sometimes during your sleep you come here… and we’re together.

Eira:        Yes.

Douglas: We’re together a great deal, you know.

Eira:        Really? I wish I could remember. I have occasionally remembered.

Douglas: Yes. Have you decided to stay as you are or what? Are you thinking of making a change?

Eira:        Well, you tell me to remain where I am at the moment.

Douglas: Well yes, that’s what I think. I think you would be well advised to stay put and not to make any change for the moment. I don’t think there would be much point and it would not be a good idea to do anything drastic…

Eira:        Well I have so many interests.

Douglas: I don’t know…

Eira:        Yes. Darling, I haven’t asked after your favourite cat lately.

Douglas: Oh, he’s very well.

Eira:        How’s he getting on?

Douglas: He’s fine. You know I do love my animals.

Eira:        I know. You did love that cat very much.

Douglas: Not as much as I love you!

Eira:        No. Well, I’m awfully glad you still love me.

Douglas: Of course I do! I always shall. I’m just waiting for the day for you to join me.

Eira:        Yes.

Douglas: The years come and go. Time will pass and we shall be together.

Eira: That will be lovely.

You can listen to the entire session at this link: