Hypnotism in Afterlife Communications

The Keys to Having Self-Guided Afterlife Connections

Craig used his training as a certified hypnotist to create a free, online training program that teaches participants how to use self-hypnosis to have their own afterlife communication. the Self-Guided Afterlife Connections training program, available at self-guided.spiritualunderstanding.org. Thousands have gone through the training, with 86% being successful in having afterlife connections if they finish the fourth stage of the training.

In this Afterlife Research and Education Symposium presentation, Craig will guide you through the stages of the training, showing you how you can sit quietly for a few minutes anywhere and have a dialogue with people living on the next plane of life.

To read participant journals that demonstrate they are actually having afterlife connections, go to this link: Procedure Validations

Facilitated After-Death Contact

Mark has 45 years’ experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers and holistic private practice. He received his certification in past-life regression therapy by Brian Weiss, M.D., and in the psychomanteum technique by Raymond Moody, Ph.D., M.D.

Mark will be giving two presentations about hypnotism methods he has used to help people have afterlife communication experiences and pre-birth planning explorations. In this first session, Mark will guide you through his Facilitated After-Death Contact technique that uses hypnosis to help you have your own afterlife communications.

Pre-Birth Planning Hypnosis Session

In this second session, Mark will guide you through his Pre-Birth Planning technique to enable you to explore answers to the age-old question, “Did my soul really choose all this?”

To read participant journals that demonstrate they are actually having afterlife connections, go to this link: Procedure Validations

Research into Having Life-Between-Lives experiences

Ann Clark, Ph.D., is the research director for The Michael Newton Institute. Newton LBL Therapy brings wisdom and insights from the soul self to the person now living a life on the earth plane. LBL Hypnotherapy reconnects people with their soul selves. Beyond the physical bodies we see, everyone is a combination of energies, experiences, and learning acquired from countless previous lives. The core soul self is always striving for new levels of understanding to enable us to grow. It helps the person learn that we have incredible support from countless Higher Beings in the inter-life who are personal guides and teachers always ready to guide each of us through this life and through the period between lives.

In the Afterlife Research and Education Symposium, Ann will show you how the advances at the Newton Institute will help you better understand life between lives and how you can experience Life-Between-Life Therapy experiences that will be life-changing for you.

To read participant journals that demonstrate they are actually having afterlife connections, go to this link: Procedure Validations