Evidence Area 6: Psychotherapist-Guided Afterlife Connections

We would expect that if grieving people were able to communicate with loved ones living in the next life, psychotherapists would have developed ways to help them enter a state of mind in which they are able to do so. In fact, three successful methods have been developed and are used by psychotherapists today: Induced After-Death Communication, Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy, and Loving Heart Connections. All three help grieving clients have their own afterlife communication experiences while sitting in their therapists’ offices.

Participants insist they have had connections with their loved ones. Their grief reduces dramatically. At times they learn things they did not know that are later are confirmed. Examples of three therapy methods that help clients have successful afterlife connections follow.

Dr. Allan Botkin

Dr. Allan Botkin

In 1995 Dr. Allan Botkin, a psychotherapist at a Chicago VA hospital, was startled when one of his patients described having an after-death communication in his office. The procedure Dr. Botkin was using to help reduce the veteran’s grief was eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). In EMDR the psychotherapist has patients move their eyes back and forth rapidly as they would in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. The procedure is called “bilateral stimulation” because it results in alternating stimulation of either side of the body. After a set of these stimulations, the patients close their eyes and usually experience profound breakthroughs in understanding. No one is quite sure how it works, but EMDR has proven to be one of the most powerful therapeutic tools the discipline of psychology has ever discovered.

Today, several hundred psychotherapists are using Dr. Botkins procedure with a 76% success rate in the clients’ having afterlife connection experiences. You can view a video of two clients describing their afterlife connection experiences at the link below.

Link to a Video of Clients’ Descriptions of Their IADCs

Rochelle Wright

Rochelle Wright

Repair & Reattachment Grief Therapy, developed by Rochelle Wright, a Washington state-licensed psychotherapist, reduces or virtually eliminates the deep grief in which a person is immersed. In a session, the therapist helps a client whose loved one is now living in the life after this life personally connect with the loved one. No medium is involved. The messages come directly to the person while they sit with their eyes closed.

Wright improved on Dr. Botkin’s procedure by adapting EMDR to the unique requirements of communicating with someone living in the next life. The communication unfolds naturally when a facilitator helps the person enter a state in which the connection occurs, guided by those on the next plane of life. The facilitator does not lead or prompt the person. The procedure is 98 percent successful and, in a single session, reduces patient estimates of their grief from ratings of 10 or higher on a 10-point scale of disturbance to scores of 0 to 3.

In one example, Carole connected with her daughter, Kate, who had been killed in a car accident. During the session she received a validation of the experience from her friend Linda’s son, Martine, who also was in spirit. You can watch the video of Carole describing her experience at the below link.

Link to Recording

Dr. Jane Bissler

Dr. Jane Bissler

Ohio State-licensed psychotherapist Dr. Jane Bissler developed an afterlife communication method called Loving Heart Connections in which people contact a psychotherapist online. Sessions are private, use free online video-conferencing, and last about 90 minutes. Afterward the therapist teaches patients how to use the method on their own to continue having connections. In the first test of this protocol, seventeen of eighteen participants had successful personal connections that they testified were very real and heartfelt to them.

A woman had a Loving Hearts Connection session in which she communicated with her son who transitioned at age twelve. She had the experience on her own with her eyes closed, then explained it to the psychotherapist. The following link is to her description of her experience, provided with her gracious permission. You can listen to a narration of the text as you read at the link below.

Link to Narration