Sheri Perl


Hi everyone and thanks for visiting. I’m so excited to tell you about how these EVPs were obtained.

First and foremost, I would like to thank EVP Researcher Vicki Talbott and medium Donna Boyle for leading me to this way of recording. Vicki has opened my eyes to many new ways to work and she introduced me to Donna.

Here is Donna explaining how she does this:

Refining the Audio

Recording During a Zoom Session

I often join Craig Hogan’s development group on zoom and after Donna educated me about how to use Auphonic, I suggested to Craig that he record the zoom meeting while the group sits in silence so that we could try this method out. Craig recorded the meeting and then, he sent me the 6 minutes that he recorded of which he raised the sound by 2000 times.

I ran it through Auphonic and lo and behold, we came out with these. This to me is a breakthrough because prior to now, I always provided a sound source. These messages literally came through a zoom recording where no sound source was used. Take a listen:

We come . . . we’re coming.

We’re on.


We work on things too

Mom, I’m here Mommy.

Often . . . we leave the lights on.

Hear me . . . I’m around you.



Hello (in a distinctly English accent)

They confiscate the moon.


Hi mother


We may begin

Orb Video Recordings

Sheri recorded these videos of orbs. Her place is orb central.

Orb Video Recordings

Orb Video Recording, July 5, 2023

Sheri recorded this video of orbs. They remarkably turn on and off as they go across the room.


Sheri asks if her son Danny and another boy Braden will work together. You’ll hear a beep and then the response, “Easily.”

About Sheri Perl

At 16, Sheri was suffering so greatly from Crohn’s Disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, that she needed blood transfusions. She contracted Hepatitis C from contaminated blood. In the midst of her suffering, she contacted British spiritual healer Harry Edwards. Through him, she experienced a miraculous healing.

After Harry Edwards transitioned into spirit, she began working with him and his team of Spirit doctors to assist in helping those who are ill in the body or in the mind.

Sheri has remained steadfastly interested in spirituality with an emphasis on spiritual healing and mediumship. When her son transitioned, Sheri focused her healing work on bereavement and helping the bereaved connect with their loved ones in spirit.

She was ordained into the Interfaith Ministry, received a master’s degree in Therapeutic Counseling, and a doctoral degree.

To request Distant Healing contact Sheri at and let her know a little bit about the trouble you need help for. Include your name, age, location, and diagnosis if you have one. Include anything else you think is pertinent.


She wrote her book Lost and Found—A Mother Connects-Up With Her Son In Spirit to help others see how close spirit is to us and how we can cultivate a relationship with those we love who are living in the next life.

Sheri also wrote Healing from the Inside Out and the Outside In. Sheri tells her story of illness and spiritual healing which opened her eyes to the presence of Spirit, changing her perspective of life completely. In the self-healing chapter, Sheri introduces methods taught by the late Spiritual Healer Harry Edwards to both absorb and direct healing energy.

Victor Zammit, LLB, PhD, and Wendy Zammit, MA, co-authors of A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife and The Friday afterlife Report wrote this about Healing form the Inside Out and the Outside In:

This is a book for anyone who wants to heal themselves, heal others or understand the nature of the mind-body connection. Sheri Perl has created a masterpiece which brings hope, inspiration and life changing tools in the Sheri Perl Healing Program outlined in Chapter nine. Yet for all its profound wisdom it is easy to read, written with humility, honesty and vulnerability.”

Her other books are Eternity Is Real and Death Is a Myth, a compilation of quotes on life after death with commentary by Sheri, and The Grieving Parents Handbook written by Sheri and a number of bereaved mothers who share how they managed to cope with three universal questions: “Why me?” “Was this my fault?” “How will I live with this?”

Example Recordings for Parents

Sheri Perl uses methods developed by Sonia Rinaldi as well as her own methods to record voices of children in the life after this life for their parents. Sheri has parents call in questions for their children living in the afterlife. The children respond to the questions. Examples of the responses follow.

EVPs made with sound sources with human vocal gibberish

The clearest examples of voices recorded by Sheri are made with a background of vocal sounds with no words in them, just meaningless syllables the researchers call “gibberish.” This is an example of the background gibberish:

In these example recordings Sheri or the parent asks a question during a recording while the background gibberish plays. When she plays back the recording, the response follows on the recording.

In the example that follows, a mother speaking over the phone begins her session with her son in spirit. This is her first statement and the response Sheri and the parent heard when they played back the recording. You will hear the mother say “Hi Sweety” and his immediate response, “Hi mom.”

Another mother on the telephone says, “Alexandria, are you happy?” You will hear “All of the time.”

The background gibberish is most effective when it uses the individual in spirit’s voice scrambled so no words are in the voice. Another effective set of background vocal noises is scrambled voice appropriate for the speaker: a child’s voice scrambled for children in spirit, a woman’s voice scrambled for women, a man’s voice scrambled for men.

An example of the background gibberish for children follows:

Sheri recorded the following response to her question, “I love you.”

Sheri also records voices using a language other than English, so even the meaningless syllables of voice could have no English words. An example of the background vocal gibberish using a Portuguese voice follows.

When Sheri first used the Portuguese voice, she was not sure the speakers would be able to create English words, so she asked them whether they could speak in English.

Transform EVPs made with sound sources that contain no human vocal gibberish

The technicians in spirit at the station working to transmit the voices will work with the sound backgrounds the researcher chooses to use. Following are two recordings Sheri made with unusual sounds. The first uses a sound source by researcher Keith Clarke that contains no vocal qualities. The second is a simple sound of a finger scratching.

Clipper (An electronic sound source made ITC Researcher Keith Clarke)
Sheri’s son Danny says “I am Danny.”

Finger Scratch (Made by Sheri scratching her finger near the microphone unput of her computer)

A child in spirit responds to his mother saying “Mom, I’m happy.”

Recordings by Sheri and parents using the human vocal gibberish

Following are some of the actual recordings made for parents using the background gibberish vocal. Their children respond to the questions.

A mother asks, “Are you in Heaven.” The answer, “I am.”

A mother asks, “I love you, and I just want to know, do you still love me?” The answer, “I love you.”

Sheri Perl asks her son, Danny, to say “I love you Ma.” He responds.

The mother asks, “Adam, it’s Mom. I want to know, are you at peace?” The response is “I am Mommy.”

In this example, the mother on the telephone says, “Hi Justin, it’s Mom.” You will hear “Hi Mom.”

Children in the Afterlife Respond to a Roll Call

Recently, Sheri asked the children of parents she is working with to come through with their names. She has had over 300 responses.


I’m Libby.











The parents send responses to the recordings Sheri provides for them. Below is a sample of some of the responses:

Parent 1 ~ “I have read the text and started listening – this is so, so very amazing!! It sounds just like Brent’s voice in the one where he said that he was with my Dad – and this has been my deep feeling that he HAS been with my Dad, so that alone is such an affirmation. Then to hear Brent’s voice saying the word “Dad” – how perfect!! My heart is singing and I want to listen to more and let you know if I hear Brent’s voice again.”

Parent 2 ~ ” What a gift! I cannot tell you in words (wish I could give you a huge hug) what you have done for Lester and me. First off YES, It was Stephen! So many things he said. That no one knew!!!

Parent 3 ~ So much of this is Ben and his dad…the references to Art and Arthur I think are my late husband but the Danny reference I think is referencing your son….And the “Gerber” and “Doritos” messages, when Ben was young everyone said he looked like the Gerber baby and Ben’s favorite snack was Doritos…Truly amazy and so much validation…thank you sheri!

Parent 4 ~ This first evp blew away all I expected ..took my breathe away…no mistaking it..It seems its not as clear to those who didn’t know him..but there is absolutely no mistaking his voice for me his mother…I had to leave work and sit in my var and catch my breathe and calm my heart ..Even though his answer was short it vibrated throughout my whole body to hear him I feared his voice might sound different as you warned me sometimes it does…but this first evp I heard was the voice I knew and loved for 27 years!!!! My question was…Justin, do you come visit me? And he replied in his earthly voice….All the time…that is everything to me !!

Parent 5 ~ “One of the many messages to come from Simon in my reading was ‘It’s your favorite son.’ I knew as soon as I heard that it was from him. There was always a running joke in our family that Simon was The Chosen One. Some of his closest friends have told me that he had said to them ‘I’m the favorite.’ It confirmed for me that it was him-without a doubt.”

Parent 6 (who was asked why she felt it was her son whose voice was recorded) ~ The best evidence I felt coming from my son through the EVP were 1) his voice was recognizable every time he said ” I Love You.” 2) He asked about his children, both of them. 3) He asked me if I was proud of him. He would always ask me that question when he was a children growing up. 4) As you know my son was an drug addict. He had seen me cry a lot and I would tell him I would do anything do get him off of heroin. He would always answer, ‘I am sorry Mom.’ He said that so may times in his life and again on the EVP. 6) Because I was raising my grandchild ( my son’s kids) I had always felt guilty in many of my decisions to protect them from my own sons ravished drug use. Again he answered… ‘What you did mother was the right thing.” 7) I had a vision months after my son passed. It was of my son kneeling before a man in a white robe. My son also was in a white robe. My son was a Christian. I remember thinking to myself. ‘Has my son met Jesus?’ In the EVP he clearly states. Jesus found me. Omg !! 8) just about every morning between 3-4am I wake up wide awake. So awake that I just get up for the day. My son asks in the EVP if I would like to sleep in….yes yes yes I would Brad. LOL. I still don’t know why he wakes me up thou. 9) I have had conversations with my son, either in my head or our loud. I always have gotten answers. But I second guess myself if it was really him. Once again in the EVP he answered … ‘I hear mom.’ So awesome.”

Parent 7 ~ “Jerry’s little brother who was skeptical turned white when he heard his voice on the first question. He called me and said ‘Oh Wow Mom…its him…maybe he can help everyone find peace again, I didn’t expect to hear my brother, Mom.'”

Parent 8 ~ The first thing about the reading that made me positive you had gotten Luke is the multitude of comments he made. He always was hyper-verbal! So here’s a list of my impressions:

When he said “I’m Luke” – that sounds like him.

Also, when he said “I love it here” — that sounds EXACTLY like him.

The numerous times he expressed his love for me is very much Luke. We told each other we loved each all the time. Lots of hugs too. 🙂

He said “I don’t need money” followed by “thank you for offering.” Luke used to ask me or my husband if he could have $4 (or some other low odd-ball amount of money) and we would always ask him if he needed more than that. He would always say, no thank you, but thanks for offering. Only my husband, Luke and I would know what that means. It was extraordinary when I heard that.”

He stated “We’re off Ritalin.” Luke was struggling with drug addiction when he died. I think that was his way of telling me they ALL are healed once they leave their bodies. It was reassuring and another way of him letting me know it was really him.

When I said goodbye to him, he responded “Goodbye mom, you’re on my mind. I’ll call you. You can feel that I come.” He always said “I’ll call you,” always. And I think he was again, reassuring me, with the “You can feel that I come”. I CAN feel him when he’s around. He was confirming that for me.

There is no doubt in my mind that the clips are Luke. Except for the one when I told our children I love them and the many voices answered ‘We love you too.’ That one gives me wonderful chills. So much love.

Other connections have been with spouses. An example of the response of a spouse to the recordings follows:

Wife ~ “Sheri’s work directly corresponded with conversations I had had with my husband while he was alive. The phrases and words that came up were the same we had used as a nickname for a place and special ritual with had with our child. He also said our child was “a joy” a lot and that is definitely the same. I am so grateful for this words don’t even describe.”