AREI knows there are many mental, physical, direct-voice, and trance mediums in the general population who have not been discovered and nurtured. Developing medium abilities requires time, patience, and the support of mentors and circles. AREI is helping develop the circles that will discover and nurture mediums. The goal is to have as many mediums as possible in the general population to give more people an opportunity to communicate with loved ones through these talented individuals. This initiative is part of the general effort to have people communicate with loved ones in the next realm of life to help alleviate their grief, convince them of their eternal natures, and eventually change humankind. Descriptions of current AREI initiatives to develop mental, physical, direct-voice, and trance mediums follow.

Physical Mediumship Development and Support

AREI is supporting the effort to identify and cultivate physical mediums. Craig Hogan is leading a circle that is developing one and possibly two physical mediums. The goal is to use the circle’s development as a model for helping other physical circles develop and cultivate physical, trance, direct-voice, and mental mediums when we learn about people who have an undeveloped talent.

Mental Mediumship Development and Support

AREI is sponsoring circles to help people in the general population understand mediumship and learn to develop their own mediumship abilities. In the future, AREI will be developing guidelines for people wanting to set up their own mental mediumship development circles and materials for use during circle meetings.